Asad Yusuf

Ministry of Planning, Investment, and Economic Development’s mandate is to coordinate government agencies and provide advice to the government on medium and long-term strategies for socio-economic development and sustainable economic growth while it promotes investments to complement our national economic milestones.
The Ministry is also responsible for analyzing and monitoring development directions on macro-economic and sector strategic plans as well as broad socio-economic development issues.
SOMINVEST, at the Ministry of Planning, Investment and Economic Development launches this upgraded interactive website as part of its holistic approach in establishing effective channels of investor and Somali diaspora communication to ensure smooth flow of information and ultimately investments. This website is a one-stop Information Center for our esteemed potential foreign and Somali diaspora investors.
Over the years, Somalia has made great strides in fulfilling the aspirations of its populace towards a peaceful and prosperous future that is conducive for investors. The Ministry of Planning, Investments and Economic Development greatly contributed towards this endeavor by providing policy guidance that has led to remarkable achievements in national economic growth.
We have strengthened consultative processes with other government ministries, federal member states, local governments, agencies, the private sector, the media, academia, development partners and civil society organizations to ensure not only government-wide but also countrywide owned investment promotion policies and programs.
Asad Yusuf
Director General
Ministry of Planning, Investment and Economic Development- MOPIED