Service Sector​

The most dependable sector of Somalia’s productive sectors.

Education ​

Due to the two decades of conflict, a generation of Somali children lost the opportunity for formal education and other benefits of a stable childhood. According to UNICEF, Somalia has one of the world’s lowest enrollment rates for primary school-aged children – only 30 percent of children are in school and only 40 percent of these are girls. Further, only 18 percent of children in rural households are in school.

Substantial investment is needed in the education sector to revitalise the sector and allow generations of young somalis to join and benefit from the formal education.

Investment Opportunities IN Education:

Kindergarten Schools

Primary Schools

Training consultancy services

Educational material supplies

Investments in education housing facilities

Investments Centers of Excellence for each Federal Member State & Benadir Regional Administration

Investments Specialised professional and language training colleges

Day and Boarding Secondary Schools

Curriculum and books printing services

Investments in in extracurricular facilities

Investments in text books distributions

Investments in modern libraries

Investments in ICT infrastructure (national school networking)

Investments in education 4.0


Globally, sports is recognised as a means to promote education, health, development and peace. Sport has great power. It gives pleasure. It has a positive impact on the physical and mental health of children and young people. Sports teaches people values such as fairness, tolerance, respect and discipline. It boosts self-esteem and self-confidence, and increases people’s willingness to take on re­spon­si­bil­i­ty, life skills which help people to cope with difficult situations and to take their future into their own hands.

Investments in sports grounds are not only attractive infrastructure, they are also places where people can meet, exchange ideas and enjoy companionship.

Investment Opportunities IN Sports:

Investments in Construction and management of level one stadium for each Federal Member State to provide standard football pitches, running tracks, swimming pools, rugby, cricket and boxing and other amenities.

Sports Education: continuing education for coaches and trainers is equally vital for sports development in Somalia,

Investment in health clubs, Gym and Fitness centers,

Sports equipment supplies,

Investing in retail and apparel stocks

Investments in minor league team


Somalia suffered from a complex humanitarian emergency for the past two decades of internal conflicts, recurrent cycles of prolonged drought and floods. According to WHO-Somalia, The protracted crises and political instability in Somalia has disrupted the health systems leading to gross underperformance.

Persons displaced by the floods, drought and conflict are living in temporary IDP camps across the country with limited infrastructure such as shelter, potable water and healthcare services as well as limited supply of food leading to widespread malnutrition.

These conditions created suitable conditions for the spread of communicable diseases such as cholera, measles whooping cough and malaria These floods, drought and conflict are the main underlying factors responsible for the increasing health needs across the country.

Investment Opportunities IN Health:

Investments in Mother and Child hospitals in each Federal Member State and Benadir

Investments in Referral Hospital in each Federal Member State

Drug/Medicine Supplies with proper storage capacities

Provision of e-health services

Manufacturing of biomedical equipment:

Investments in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing industries

Investment Opportunity in the provision of specialised medical care in areas like neurology, urology, orthopaedic, plastic surgery

Investments in medical training facilities

Investments in Pathology and Diagnostic Imaging facilities

Investments in Medical Research and Development

Cardiac surgery-heart,

Investments in Health furniture manufacturing

Real Estate & Construction

A new housing boom in Somalia, riding on increased demand, a sizable population returning from the diaspora in the wake of stability has seen the emergence of elegance, class and tastes on the sector that has now seen an appreciation in the real estate sector.

A number of successful residential projects has been undertaken in Mogadishu and in a number of Federal Member States. Most notably are Darussalam Estate, Jazeera Estate Kismayo and in Hargeisa.

Investment Opportunities IN Real Estate & Construction:

Investments in Interior Decor

Investments in Real estate developers

Investments in Realtors services

Investments in Survey and Valuer services

Investments in Architectural services

Investments in Urban planning consulting services

Investments in Property management

Investments in Long term Real Estate financing/mortgage

Investments in Paint manufacturing

Investments in Glass manufacturing

Investments in Aluminium Manufacturing

Investments in Cement Plants

Media & Information

Media landscape in Somalia was intendum with the realities on the ground. Many significant improvements took place since 2012 due to the stability, freedom of expression and the changing content trend from a war reporting to a development content.

Radio, TV and online news websites remain the main source of information. This has made the print less dominant due to the absence of printing services in the country. Media is a key platform to advance the progress and development of Somalia in all aspects of its sphere.

Investment Opportunities IN Media & Information:

Multimedia/Media Training Institute

Investments in Printing press

Investment in Multimedia Content Production

Investments in technology and Production

Investments in Public Relations Services

Investments in Strategic Communication Services

Investment in Media Agency Services

Investments in Out-of-Home Advertisement

Investments in Distribution systems

Investments in Daily Newspapers

Investments in interpretation and translations services

Hospitality & Tourism

Due to the increased number of foriegn business persons, the Somalia diaspora and the increasing stability in Somalia has encouraged local businesses to invest in hospitality services to match the demand. There is no doubt that travelers trajectory will be on the rise. Local players must upscare their hospitality offerings both in quality and quantity. Current national bed capacity is estimated at 100,000 which is far much lower than the current demand.


Investment Opportunities IN Hospitality & Tourism:

Investments in Suite Hotels

Investments in Extended Stay Hotels

Investments in Serviced Apartments

Investments in Business Hotels

Investment in Tour services

Investments in Aviation hospitality sector

Investments in Cruise and Cultural tourism

Investments in Conference and Convention Centres

Investments in Airport Hotels


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